"The Dark Knight Rises" is the final installment in the trilogy started by Christopher Nolan in 2005. In a summer that has big comic book blockbusters like "The Avengers" and "The Amazing Spider-Man," it concludes with the most anticipated movie of the summer. Can "The Dark Knight Rises" surpass the previous mentioned movies in the box office? Can it live up to the expectations set by "The Dark Knight?"
"The Dark Knight Rises" picks up eight years later after the events of "The Dark Knight" and Batman (Christian Bale) has decided to put away the mask and begin a life without Batman. When a terrorist leader, Bane (Tom Hardy), comes to Gotham and starts his plan to destroy it; Batman and company has to do whatever it takes to put a stop to Bane's plan.
*I could go more in depth with the plot, but I do not want to spoil it.*
Everything about this movie was great; flawless. The characters were developed well, both previous characters from the other movies and the newly introduced ones in the movie. The Bruce Wayne character had really great scenes that when the audience views them, they feel what he goes through and they get emotionally drawn into Bruce Wayne's character. The same thing goes for Bane; he is such a scary villain and terrorizes everyone and everything. The audience wants to see this man go down and get rewarded with a great fight scene. Catwoman (Anne Hathaway) exceeds expectations; she was wonderful and brought comic relief to the film in the proper spots. Alfred (Michael Caine) as always was fantastic. The was very intense and it had you on the edge of your seat the whole movie. The pace of the movie is slow at times, but it doesn't hurt the film at all. Overall the writing, production, and the score were fantastic.
I am not one of those people who say "that's the best movie ever" after each movie they see; for me, this was the best movie I have ever seen. There is no one in the theater checking their phones to see what time it was or to see how much time in the movie is left. This movie had high expectations, and it went beyond them. I recommend that everyone go see this movie right away. You'll be impressed.
5 out of 5 stars
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