"The Amazing Spider-Man" is a superhero film that consists of action, drama, suspense and comedy. The film is a reboot of the Spider-Man trilogy that started in 2002. Marc Webb has taken the challenge of making Spider-Man his own and ready to compete with a competitive comic-book hero summer that consists of The Dark Knight Rises and The Avengers. Let's see if the "The Amazing Spider-Man" has what it takes to compete with the big boys.
Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield) is very smart high school student who loses his parents at a young age and lives with his Aunt May (Sally Field) and Uncle Ben (Martin Sheen). Peter, being curious, tries to find out why his father disappeared and stumbled upon a cross-genetic that leads him to meeting Dr. Curt Connors (Rhys Ifans). Wandering around the lab, he comes across a room full of spiders and gets by one and soon realizes that he shares the traits of a spider. After learning some interesting stuff about Dr. Connors and his father, he has to balance several things: his high school crush Gwen Stacy (Emma Stone), staying away from the police captain (Denis Leary), and stopping Dr. Connors.
Andrew Garfield's performance of Peter Parker and Spider-Man was phenomenal. He had the perfect combination of shyness, awkwardness, and humor. When the scene was supposed to be emotional, he was emotional; when it called for humor, he was funny. Each scene he owned from beginning to the end. Emma Stone was fantastic as Gwen Stacy and Rhys Ifans was a great villain. And the rest of the supporting cast was solid as well. The thing that impressed me the most was the use of the web sling. He not only used it to swing, but to trip the enemies, use as a bungee cord, and shoot enemies with. The CGI was great; I liked the first person view shots of Spider-Man when he was swinging or running. The 3D was really good too; it didnt hurt my eyes or get me dizzy at all. It was perfect. The pace was good, it got you hooked early and never it never let go.
I loved the movie. I loved the Avengers, but I liked the feel of this movie. I enjoyed Garfield's take on Peter Parker/Spider-Man. Everything was great. If there is one problem I had it was that Peter and Gwen's relationship was rushed and we could have gotten and few more scenes of them building the relationship. I highly recommend this movie seeing this movie. Anyone can enjoy this film.
4.5 out of 5 stars.
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