When a comet passes Earth, something happens to machines and electronics all over the planet and start to operate on their own. When all this starts going down, several people take refuge at the Dixie Boy Truck Stop and try to ride this attack out. Little do they know that a bunch of semi-trucks operating on their own are on their way to the Dixie Boy and guard the area and make sure none of the people inside leave. After a while, they decide to concoct a counter measure and escape.
The plot seems a little lame and the script is atrocious, but this movie doesn't disappoint or impress. If anything this movie is average, maybe a little below but it works. It can be classified in a few genres: action, thriller, comedy, and maybe horror. The film has some subtle comedy, but where it is really funny is how incredibly bad it is. I think Stephen King, who wrote and directed Maximum Overdrive, knew that his screenplay was silly and over the top. Granted, he didn't intentionally want it to be horrible, but at this some of his books and short stories were already made into films so the audience knows what they are going to get with a Stephen King movie.
Emilio Estevez is really the only big name in this film. He plays the parole grill cook Bill Robinson. His performance was decent considering the script and he delivers most of the one liners. Pat Hingle plays the truck shop owner who is selfish and morally insensitive. His performance could be described just like Estevez's, but way more over the top and annoying. There is also a two minute scene featuring a young Giancarlo Esposito, who you may know as Breaking Bad's' Gus Fring. Other than that, this cast is easily forgettable and full of undeveloped characters. It wouldn't be wrong to say that there would be a character you'd feel sad for if they died. The pace of the film moves pretty quickly and was a few exciting, good scenes. When the machines attack and the opening credit's bridge scenes are among my favorites in the film. Also the ending is kind of lame, but I will not spoil it. I'll leave that up to you to determine.
I do like the fact the Stephen King wrote the short story, wrote a screenplay based on the story, and directed the film. It was nice to see the film through the eyes of talent like Mr. King. He also makes a cameo as well, a very funny one I might add. Being known for having a very creative mind, he really just makes this film based on a pretty generic idea. Really, how many movies have you seen about machines becoming self aware and operating on their own. But personally, I still like this idea. He took his idea from Christine and added a bunch of action and traded in the muscle car for a semi.
Look out for the Goblin truck, he'll get ya!! |
Overall this film is far away from a great film, but not the worst I've seen. If one statement can describe this film it would be: so bad it's good. I do think it is worth a viewing. It is a cult classic and you will always find it on cable. But it's definitely better if you watch the uncensored version. This is a fun movie and it has its moments, both good and bad, but it works. I don't think anyone will say they wasted their time with it. It has some cool scenes filled with action and comedy. Like I said, its not a masterpiece but its not downright horrible. Maximum Overdrive is just another ordinary Stephen King story: twisted, gory, and thrilling.
5 out of 10.
Watch once, if you like it... watch again.